
Gratitude changes your Life!
*Reduces Stress
*Improves Mood
*Better Physical Health
*Personal Growth
*Increases Resilience
*Mindfulness and Presence
*Increases Happiness and Life Satisfaction

Do you have unhealed hurt?  
Do You want to heal
Do you like to have fun?
Do you want to raise your vibration?

Did you know that Gratitude can help you Heal?  In fact Grati-Tools were created to help heal anger from being hurt by friends.

Gratitude and Love vibrate at the same energy level.

What are Grati-Tools? Grati-Tools are tools to engage your Gratitude Muscle and increase your Gratitude Attitude! Grati-Tools are a co-creation of Teinamarrie’s Treasures and Universal Heart Ministry.

Gratitude is a positive emotion and attitude characterized by a sense of thankfulness and appreciation for the good things in life.  Expressing gratitude can take various forms.  Research has shown that practicing gratitude regularly can have numerous benefits for mental and emotional well-being.

To experience these life-changing effects, it’s essential to make gratitude a daily practice. You can keep a gratitude journal, express thanks to those who’ve helped you, or simply take moments to reflect on the things you’re grateful for in your life. Over time, the cumulative effects of practicing gratitude can be transformational.

Incorporating gratitude into your daily life through practices like keeping a gratitude journal, expressing thanks, or reflecting on positive moments can have a profound impact. It’s not just a fleeting feeling but a perspective and approach to life that can transform how you perceive and interact with the world.

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