Treasure Club

Tired of simply swimming with all the other ducks in the river? Perhaps it’s time for you to take flight and Soar to Success!

Teinamarrie is a master motivator. She will light a fire under your feet to help get you moving in the direction you want to go and to flow!

Teinamarrie thinks “outside the box” and has found it most beneficial to utilize methods and techniques that likewise stretch you to go beyond what you’ve come to believe about yourself, your life or your circumstances. She wants to see you succeed in your journey, past the time of whatever you may be conflicted or constricted by, to a time of freedom from it and a wholeness to carry you forward in life with ease, comfort and grace.

Her Treasure Club is a proven method of helping you to get clear on your goals, set them, then prioritize the steps needed and achieve them. She will be your accountability coach, motivate, inspire and empower you to reach the goals you’ve set and achieve those long sought after dreams.

Contact today to get started!



Silver Level only $333 for the year with bonus two months.

Gold Level only $777 for the year with bonus two months.

Platinum Level only $1,111 for the year with bonus two months.

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